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  • stephen/cat-disruptor-6500
  • roygbyte/cat-disruptor-6500
  • tinyconan/cat-disruptor-6500
3 results
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Commits on Source (58)
with 2081 additions and 639 deletions
image: "rust:latest"
- rustup component add rustfmt
- rustup component add clippy
- cargo install cargo-deb
- cargo fmt -- --check
- cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings
- cargo test
- cargo deb
- target/debian/*.deb
This diff is collapsed.
[package] [package]
name = "cat-disruptor-6500" name = "cat-disruptor-6500"
version = "0.1.0" version = "0.3.0"
authors = ["Stephen <>"] authors = ["Stephen <>"]
edition = "2018" edition = "2018"
# See more keys and their definitions at # See more keys and their definitions at
[dependencies] [dependencies]
serenity = {version = "0.9", default-features = false, features = ["client", "gateway", "rustls_backend", "model", "static_assertions"] } serenity = {version = "0.11", default-features = false, features = ["client", "gateway", "rustls_backend", "model", "static_assertions", "cache"] }
tokio = {version = "0.2", features = ["full", "time"] } tokio = {version = "1.21", features = ["full", "time"] }
phf = { version = "0.8", features = ["macros"] } phf = { version = "0.8", features = ["macros"] }
toml = "0.5" toml = "0.5"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] } serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
xbasic = "0.2.1" xbasic = "0.3.1"
png = "0.16" png = "0.16"
diesel = { version = "1.4", features = ["postgres", "numeric"] } diesel = { version = "2", features = ["postgres", "numeric"] }
dotenv = "0.15.0" dotenv = "0.15.0"
bigdecimal = "0.1.2" bigdecimal = "0.1.2"
\ No newline at end of file reqwest = { version = "0.11", features = ["json"] }
serde_json = "1.0"
rusttype = "0.4.3"
rand = "0.8"
itertools = "0.10"
anyhow = "1.0"
ollama-rs = "0.1.5"
...@@ -2,6 +2,21 @@ ...@@ -2,6 +2,21 @@
A Discord bot that reacts to certain messages with certain emojis. More importantly, it also lets you write code! A Discord bot that reacts to certain messages with certain emojis. More importantly, it also lets you write code!
## Install
- Setup PostgreSQL
- Install via package manager `apt install postgresql`. Also get `libpq-dev` if you don't want a miserable life.
- `sudo su postgres` to login to default database user
- `createdb cat_disruptor_6500` to create the database
- `psql` and then `ALTER ROLE postgres WITH PASSWORD 'password';`
- Update the database environment variable (`DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:password@localhost/cat_disruptor_6500`)
- Create a new [Discord bot](
- Enable all Privileged Gateway Intents
- Go to OAuth2 menu, URL generator, click "bot" and "administrator"
- Open link to add bot to server
- Create a `config.toml` file in project directory with `token=<your discord bot token>`
- Generate token on your bot page
## Commands: ## Commands:
!START - start the interpreter !START - start the interpreter
...@@ -14,6 +29,14 @@ SAVE filename - save code into database ...@@ -14,6 +29,14 @@ SAVE filename - save code into database
LOAD filename - load filename into memory LOAD filename - load filename into memory
DIR - list programs you have saved
PUB filename - Publish a program
PUBDIR - List published programs
PUBLOAD id - Load public program by ID (IDs are listed in PUBDIR)
Code is specified by writing `line_num code`. For example, `10 print "hello world"`. This makes it easy to insert new code or overwrite lines. Code is specified by writing `line_num code`. For example, `10 print "hello world"`. This makes it easy to insert new code or overwrite lines.
### Example session ### Example session
...@@ -62,4 +85,4 @@ The interpreter can execute arbitrary code safely - it includes CPU and memory l ...@@ -62,4 +85,4 @@ The interpreter can execute arbitrary code safely - it includes CPU and memory l
It even does graphics! It even does graphics!
![Example session]( ![Example session](example.png)
\ No newline at end of file
DROP TABLE server_settings;
CREATE TABLE server_settings (
starboard_threshold INTEGER NOT NULL,
starboard_emoji_id NUMERIC NOT NULL,
starboard_channel NUMERIC NOT NULL
DROP TABLE starboard_mappings;
CREATE TABLE starboard_mappings (
tab_spaces = 4 tab_spaces = 4
hard_tabs = true hard_tabs = true
\ No newline at end of file edition = "2018"
File added
use serde::Deserialize; use serde::Deserialize;
use std::fs; use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
pub struct LlamaConfig {
pub(crate) address: String,
pub(crate) port: u16,
pub(crate) models: HashMap<String, String>,
pub(crate) channels: HashSet<u64>,
#[derive(Deserialize)] #[derive(Deserialize)]
pub struct Config { pub struct Config {
pub(crate) token: String, pub(crate) token: String,
pub(crate) llama: Option<LlamaConfig>,
} }
pub fn get_conf() -> Config { pub fn get_conf() -> Config {
use crate::handlers::LineHandler;
use serenity::async_trait;
use serenity::model::channel::{Message, ReactionType};
use serenity::prelude::*;
use std::str::FromStr;
pub struct HorseHandler;
impl LineHandler for HorseHandler {
async fn message(&self, ctx: &Context, msg: &Message) {
let reaction = match ReactionType::from_str("🐴") {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(_) => return,
if rand::random::<f64>() <= 0.001 {
let _ = msg.react(&ctx, reaction).await;
use crate::handlers::LineHandler;
use crate::joker::tell_joke;
use serenity::async_trait;
use serenity::model::channel::Message;
use serenity::prelude::*;
pub struct JokeHandler;
impl LineHandler for JokeHandler {
async fn line(&self, ctx: &Context, msg: &Message, line: &str) {
if line == "!JOKE" {
match tell_joke().await {
Some(s) => msg.channel_id.say(&ctx, s).await.unwrap(),
None => msg
.say(&ctx, "There was an error while fetching a joke.")
impl Default for JokeHandler {
fn default() -> Self {
use super::LineHandler;
use crate::config::LlamaConfig;
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context as _};
use itertools::Itertools;
use ollama_rs::{
generation::completion::{request::GenerationRequest, GenerationContext},
use serenity::{
model::prelude::{Message, MessageId},
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
pub struct LlamaHandler {
ollama: Ollama,
contexts: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<MessageId, (String, GenerationContext)>>>,
models: HashMap<String, String>,
channel_ids: HashSet<u64>,
impl LlamaHandler {
pub fn new(lc: LlamaConfig) -> Self {
Self {
ollama: Ollama::new(lc.address, lc.port),
contexts: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())),
models: lc.models,
channel_ids: lc.channels,
async fn call_llama(
model: &str,
prompt: &str,
context: Option<GenerationContext>,
) -> anyhow::Result<(String, GenerationContext)> {
let mut req = GenerationRequest::new(model.into(), prompt.into());
if let Some(c) = context {
req = req.context(c);
let resp = self
.map_err(|x| anyhow!("{x}"))?;
let context = resp.final_data.context("Missing final data")?.context;
Ok((resp.response, context))
async fn list_models(&self, ctx: &Context, msg: &Message) {
let people = self
.map(|x| format!("- {x}"))
if let Err(e) = msg
.reply(ctx, format!("Available models:\n{}", people))
eprintln!("{:?}", e);
async fn reply(
ctx: &Context,
msg: &Message,
model: &str,
txt: &str,
context: Option<GenerationContext>,
) {
if txt.is_empty() {
let _typing = try_or_log(|| Typing::start(ctx.http.clone(), msg.channel_id.0));
let resp = self.call_llama(model, txt, context).await;
let (resp, context) =
match resp {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(e) => {
if let Err(e) = msg.reply(
"Could not communicate with Llama. Check the server logs for more details.",
).await {
let resp = if resp.is_empty() {
"[No response]"
} else {
// discord messages are limited to 2000 codepoints
let chunks: Vec<String> = resp
.map(|chunk| chunk.collect())
let mut first = true;
for chunk in chunks {
let res = if first {
msg.reply(ctx, chunk).await
} else {
msg.channel_id.send_message(ctx, |m| m.content(chunk)).await
first = false;
match res {
Ok(x) => {
.insert(, (model.to_string(), context.clone()));
Err(e) => {
impl LineHandler for LlamaHandler {
async fn message(&self, ctx: &Context, msg: &Message) {
if !self.channel_ids.contains(&msg.channel_id.0) {
let txt = &msg.content;
if let Some(p) = &msg.referenced_message {
let x = {
let l = self.contexts.lock().await;
if let Some((model, context)) = x {
self.reply(ctx, msg, &model, txt, Some(context)).await;
if txt.starts_with("!people") {
self.list_models(ctx, msg).await;
for (name, model) in &self.models {
if let Some(txt) = txt.strip_prefix(&format!("!{name} ")) {
self.reply(ctx, msg, model, txt, None).await;
fn try_or_log<T, E: std::fmt::Debug, F: Fn() -> Result<T, E>>(f: F) -> Result<T, E> {
let res = f();
if let Err(e) = res.as_ref() {
mod horse;
mod joke;
mod llama;
mod react;
mod starboard;
mod sus;
mod xbasic;
use crate::config::LlamaConfig;
use crate::handlers::horse::HorseHandler;
use crate::handlers::joke::*;
use crate::handlers::react::*;
use crate::handlers::starboard::StarboardHandler;
use crate::handlers::sus::*;
use crate::handlers::xbasic::*;
use diesel::{Connection, PgConnection};
use dotenv::dotenv;
use serenity::async_trait;
use serenity::model::channel::Message;
use serenity::model::prelude::{Reaction, Ready};
use serenity::prelude::*;
use std::env;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use self::llama::LlamaHandler;
pub(crate) trait LineHandler: Send + Sync {
async fn message(&self, ctx: &Context, msg: &Message) {
for line in msg.content.split('\n') {
self.line(ctx, msg, line).await
async fn line(&self, _ctx: &Context, _msg: &Message, _line: &str) {}
pub(crate) trait ReactionHandler: Send + Sync {
async fn reaction_add(&self, ctx: &Context, reaction: &Reaction);
async fn reaction_del(&self, ctx: &Context, reaction: &Reaction);
pub(crate) struct Dispatcher {
handlers: Vec<Box<dyn LineHandler>>,
reacts: Vec<Box<dyn ReactionHandler>>,
impl EventHandler for Dispatcher {
async fn message(&self, ctx: Context, msg: Message) {
for h in &self.handlers {
h.message(&ctx, &msg).await;
async fn reaction_add(&self, ctx: Context, reaction: Reaction) {
for r in &self.reacts {
r.reaction_add(&ctx, &reaction).await;
async fn reaction_remove(&self, ctx: Context, reaction: Reaction) {
for r in &self.reacts {
r.reaction_del(&ctx, &reaction).await;
async fn ready(&self, _: Context, ready: Ready) {
println!("{} is connected",;
impl Dispatcher {
pub fn new(llama_config: Option<LlamaConfig>) -> Self {
let conn = Arc::new(Mutex::new(establish_connection()));
let mut handlers: Vec<Box<dyn LineHandler>> = vec![
if let Some(lc) = llama_config {
Self {
reacts: vec![Box::new(StarboardHandler::new(conn))],
fn establish_connection() -> PgConnection {
let database_url = env::var("DATABASE_URL").expect("DATABASE_URL must be set");
PgConnection::establish(&database_url).expect("Error connecting to database")
use crate::handlers::LineHandler;
use itertools::Itertools;
use phf::phf_map;
use serenity::async_trait;
use serenity::model::channel::{Message, ReactionType};
use serenity::prelude::*;
use std::str::FromStr;
static EMOJI_MAP: phf::Map<&'static str, &'static str> = phf_map! {
"cat" => "🐈",
"chicken" => "🐔",
"spaghetti" => "🍝",
"dog" => "🐕",
"bot" => "🤖",
"mango" => "🥭",
"banana" => "🍌",
"bee" => "🐝",
"horse" => "🐎",
"hat" => "🎩"
fn map_lookup(msg: &str) -> Option<&'static str> {
// We lose the O(1) benefits of the hashmap
// But whatever. It doesn't need to be fast
for (k, v) in EMOJI_MAP.entries() {
if &msg == k || msg == format!("{k}s") {
return Some(v);
pub struct ReactHandler;
impl LineHandler for ReactHandler {
async fn message(&self, ctx: &Context, msg: &Message) {
// Kind of convoluted, but allows us to react in the correct order.
let groups = msg
.map(|c| match c {
'!' | '?' | ',' | '.' | '(' | ')' | '[' | ']' | '\n' | '\r' => ' ',
_ => c,
.group_by(|c| *c == ' ');
let reacts: Vec<_> = groups
.filter_map(|(_, c)| map_lookup(&c.collect::<String>().to_lowercase()))
for r in reacts {
let reaction_type = match ReactionType::from_str(r) {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(x) => {
eprintln!("Could not react: {x}");
if let Err(e) = msg.react(&ctx, reaction_type).await {
eprintln!("Error reacting: {e}");
use crate::handlers::ReactionHandler;
use crate::models::ServerSetting;
use crate::schema;
use crate::schema::{server_settings, starboard_mappings};
use anyhow::Context as AnyhowContext;
use bigdecimal::{BigDecimal, FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive};
use diesel::{ExpressionMethods, PgConnection, QueryDsl, RunQueryDsl};
use serenity::async_trait;
use serenity::builder::CreateEmbed;
use serenity::model::prelude::{
ChannelId, Emoji, EmojiId, Message, MessageReaction, Reaction, ReactionType,
use serenity::prelude::*;
use std::ops::DerefMut;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
pub struct SingleMessageHandler {
conn: Arc<Mutex<PgConnection>>,
server_settings: ServerSetting,
reaction_count: u64,
msg: Message,
emoji: Emoji,
name: String,
image: Option<String>,
impl SingleMessageHandler {
pub async fn handle_reaction(
conn: Arc<Mutex<PgConnection>>,
ctx: &Context,
reaction: &Reaction,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let guild = match reaction.channel_id.to_channel(ctx).await?.guild() {
Some(x) => x,
None => return Ok(()),
// get corresponding guild settings
let mut gs: Vec<ServerSetting> = server_settings::dsl::server_settings
let gs = match gs.pop() {
Some(x) => x,
None => return Ok(()),
let emoji = EmojiId(
.context("Could not convert emoji id to u64")?,
let msg = reaction.message(ctx).await?;
// reaction from event handler must match
// otherwise we'll update the repost (and add an "edited"
// to the message)
// whenever someone reacts with any reaction
if !Self::emoji_match(&reaction.emoji, emoji) {
return Ok(());
let reaction_count = Self::find_emoji_match(msg.reactions.iter(), emoji);
let guild_id = guild.guild_id;
let emoji = guild_id
.emoji(ctx, emoji)
.context("Could not get emoji from guild")?;
let name = msg
.nick_in(ctx, guild_id)
let image = msg
.filter(|a| a.width.is_some())
.map(|a| &a.url)
let handler = Self {
server_settings: gs,
async fn process_match(&self, ctx: &Context) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let original_id = BigDecimal::from(;
let repost_id = starboard_mappings::dsl::starboard_mappings
let repost_id: &Option<BigDecimal> =
repost_id.first().context("Insert of mapping failed")?;
match repost_id {
Some(id) => {
.context("Could not convert repost message id to a u64")?,
None => {
if self.reaction_count >= self.server_settings.starboard_threshold as u64 {
// post to repost
let repost = self.post_new_starboard_message(ctx).await?;
// update the DB
let repost_id = BigDecimal::from_u64(repost);
async fn post_new_starboard_message(&self, ctx: &Context) -> anyhow::Result<u64> {
let repost = ChannelId(
.context("Could not convert starboard channel to a u64")?,
.send_message(ctx, |m| m.embed(|e| self.clone().starboard_message(e)))
async fn edit_existing_starboard_message(
ctx: &Context,
message_id: u64,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let channel_id = ChannelId(
.context("Could not convert starboard channel to a u64")?,
let mut msg = channel_id.message(ctx, message_id).await?;
msg.edit(ctx, |m| m.embed(|e| self.clone().starboard_message(e)))
fn starboard_message(self, e: &mut CreateEmbed) -> &mut CreateEmbed {
let mut e = e
"[Jump to source]({})\n{}",,
.title(format!("{} {}", self.reaction_count, self.emoji))
if let Some(url) = self.image {
e = e.image(url);
fn find_emoji_match<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a MessageReaction>>(iter: I, em: EmojiId) -> u64 {
for mr in iter {
if Self::emoji_match(&mr.reaction_type, em) {
return mr.count;
fn emoji_match(rt: &ReactionType, em: EmojiId) -> bool {
matches!(rt, ReactionType::Custom { id, .. } if *id == em)
pub struct StarboardHandler {
conn: Arc<Mutex<PgConnection>>,
impl StarboardHandler {
pub fn new(conn: Arc<Mutex<PgConnection>>) -> Self {
Self { conn }
async fn handle_reaction(&self, ctx: &Context, reaction: &Reaction) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
SingleMessageHandler::handle_reaction(self.conn.clone(), ctx, reaction).await
impl ReactionHandler for StarboardHandler {
async fn reaction_add(&self, ctx: &Context, reaction: &Reaction) {
if let Err(e) = self.handle_reaction(ctx, reaction).await {
eprintln!("Error in starboard: {e:?}");
async fn reaction_del(&self, ctx: &Context, reaction: &Reaction) {
if let Err(e) = self.handle_reaction(ctx, reaction).await {
eprintln!("Error in starboard: {e:?}");
use crate::framebuffer::FrameBuffer;
use crate::handlers::LineHandler;
use rusttype::LayoutIter;
use rusttype::{point, FontCollection, Scale};
use serenity::async_trait;
use serenity::model::channel::{AttachmentType, Message};
use serenity::prelude::*;
use std::borrow::Cow;
const COLOUR: (u8, u8, u8) = (255, 0, 0);
const SCALE: Scale = Scale { x: 48.0, y: 48.0 };
const PADDING_X: u32 = 5;
const PADDING_Y: u32 = 5;
const MAX_WIDTH: i32 = 800;
const Y_GAP: i32 = 5;
// Wrap text when width exceeds MAX_WIDTH
struct WrappingLayoutIter<'a> {
iter: LayoutIter<'a, 'a>,
offset_x: i32,
offset_y: i32,
cur_x: i32,
cur_y: i32,
impl<'a> WrappingLayoutIter<'a> {
fn new(iter: LayoutIter<'a, 'a>, offset_x: i32, offset_y: i32) -> Self {
Self {
cur_x: 0,
cur_y: 0,
impl Iterator for WrappingLayoutIter<'_> {
type Item = Vec<(i32, i32, f32)>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let (glyph, bounding_box) = loop {
let glyph =;
if let Some(bb) = glyph.pixel_bounding_box() {
break (glyph, bb);
if bounding_box.max.x + self.cur_x > MAX_WIDTH {
self.cur_x = -bounding_box.min.x;
self.cur_y += bounding_box.max.y - bounding_box.min.y + Y_GAP;
let mut buf = Vec::new();
glyph.draw(|x, y, a| {
let x = x as i32 + bounding_box.min.x + self.offset_x + self.cur_x;
let y = y as i32 + bounding_box.min.y + self.offset_y + self.cur_y;
buf.push((x, y, a));
pub struct SusHandler;
impl SusHandler {
async fn render_font(&self, ctx: &Context, msg: &Message, s: &str) {
let font_data = include_bytes!("../amongus.ttf");
let collection = FontCollection::from_bytes(font_data as &[u8]);
let font = collection.into_font().unwrap();
let start = point(0.0, 0.0);
// Find image dimensions
let mut min_x = 0;
let mut max_x = 0;
let mut max_y = 0;
let mut min_y = 0;
for arr in WrappingLayoutIter::new(font.layout(s, SCALE, start), 0, 0) {
for (x, y, _) in arr {
if x < min_x {
min_x = x;
if x > max_x {
max_x = x;
if y < min_y {
min_y = y;
if y > max_y {
max_y = y;
let offset_x = -min_x;
let offset_y = -min_y;
max_x += offset_x;
max_y += offset_y;
let mut framebuffer =
FrameBuffer::new(max_x as u32 + PADDING_X * 2, max_y as u32 + PADDING_Y * 2);
for arr in WrappingLayoutIter::new(
font.layout(s, SCALE, start),
offset_x + PADDING_X as i32,
offset_y + PADDING_Y as i32,
) {
for (x, y, a) in arr {
x as u32,
y as u32,
(a * 255.0) as u8,
let buf = framebuffer.as_png_vec();
.send_message(&ctx, |e| {
e.add_file(AttachmentType::Bytes {
data: Cow::Borrowed(&buf),
filename: "output.png".to_string(),
impl LineHandler for SusHandler {
async fn line(&self, ctx: &Context, msg: &Message, line: &str) {
if line.starts_with("!SUS") {
let s = line.split(' ').collect::<Vec<_>>()[1..]
.join(" ")
if s.is_empty() {
self.render_font(ctx, msg, &s).await;
use crate::framebuffer::FrameBuffer; use crate::framebuffer::FrameBuffer;
use crate::handlers::LineHandler;
use crate::program::Program; use crate::program::Program;
use diesel::PgConnection; use diesel::PgConnection;
use phf::phf_map;
use serenity::async_trait; use serenity::async_trait;
use serenity::http::AttachmentType; use serenity::model::channel::{AttachmentType, Message, ReactionType};
use serenity::model::channel::{Message, ReactionType};
use serenity::model::id::UserId; use serenity::model::id::UserId;
use serenity::model::prelude::Ready;
use serenity::prelude::*; use serenity::prelude::*;
use std::borrow::{Borrow, Cow}; use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ops::DerefMut;
use std::str::FromStr; use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use tokio::task; use tokio::task;
use xbasic::basic_io::BasicIO; use xbasic::basic_io::BasicIO;
use xbasic::expr::ExprValue; use xbasic::expr::ExprValue;
use xbasic::xbasic::XBasicBuilder; use xbasic::xbasic::XBasicBuilder;
static EMOJI_MAP: phf::Map<&'static str, &'static str> = phf_map! {
"cat" => "🐈",
"chicken" => "🐔",
"spaghetti" => "🍝",
"dog" => "🐕",
"bot" => "🤖",
"mango" => "🥭",
"banana" => "🍌",
"bee" => "🐝"
struct DiscordIO { struct DiscordIO {
s: String, s: String,
frame: Option<FrameBuffer>, frame: Option<FrameBuffer>,
...@@ -54,20 +44,20 @@ impl BasicIO for DiscordIO { ...@@ -54,20 +44,20 @@ impl BasicIO for DiscordIO {
macro_rules! get_user_programs { macro_rules! get_user_programs {
($self: expr, $user_id: expr) => { ($self: expr, $user_id: expr) => {
$self.programs.lock().unwrap().get_mut($user_id).unwrap() $self.programs.lock().await.get_mut($user_id).unwrap()
}; };
} }
pub(crate) struct Handler { pub struct XbasicHandler {
programs: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<UserId, Program>>>, programs: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<UserId, Program>>>,
conn: Arc<Mutex<PgConnection>>, conn: Arc<Mutex<PgConnection>>,
} }
impl Handler { impl XbasicHandler {
pub fn new(conn: PgConnection) -> Self { pub fn new(conn: Arc<Mutex<PgConnection>>) -> Self {
Self { Self {
programs: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())), programs: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())),
conn: Arc::new(Mutex::new(conn)), conn,
} }
} }
...@@ -75,10 +65,10 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -75,10 +65,10 @@ impl Handler {
// TODO we lock the mutex to check, but unlock before locking again later // TODO we lock the mutex to check, but unlock before locking again later
// allows another thread to screw it up // allows another thread to screw it up
// we should lock once for this entire function // we should lock once for this entire function
if self.programs.lock().unwrap().contains_key(& { if self.programs.lock().await.contains_key(& {
match line { match line {
"!STOP" => { "!STOP" => {
self.interpreter_stop(msg); self.interpreter_stop(msg).await;
} }
"RUN" => { "RUN" => {
self.interpreter_run(msg, ctx).await; self.interpreter_run(msg, ctx).await;
...@@ -117,7 +107,7 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -117,7 +107,7 @@ impl Handler {
if let Some(name) = line.strip_prefix("PUB ") { if let Some(name) = line.strip_prefix("PUB ") {
if self.publish_program(name, msg, ctx).await.is_none() { if self.publish_program(name, msg, ctx).await.is_none() {
msg.channel_id msg.channel_id
.say(&ctx, format!("Could not publish {}.", name)) .say(&ctx, format!("Could not publish {name}."))
.await .await
.unwrap(); .unwrap();
} }
...@@ -126,7 +116,7 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -126,7 +116,7 @@ impl Handler {
if let Some(name) = line.strip_prefix("UNPUB ") { if let Some(name) = line.strip_prefix("UNPUB ") {
if self.unpublish_program(name, msg, ctx).await.is_none() { if self.unpublish_program(name, msg, ctx).await.is_none() {
msg.channel_id msg.channel_id
.say(&ctx, &format!("Could not unpublish {}.", name)) .say(&ctx, &format!("Could not unpublish {name}."))
.await .await
.unwrap(); .unwrap();
} }
...@@ -137,14 +127,14 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -137,14 +127,14 @@ impl Handler {
Ok(id) => { Ok(id) => {
if self.load_published_program(msg, ctx, id).await.is_none() { if self.load_published_program(msg, ctx, id).await.is_none() {
msg.channel_id msg.channel_id
.say(&ctx, format!("Could not load {}.", id)) .say(&ctx, format!("Could not load {id}."))
.await .await
.unwrap(); .unwrap();
} }
} }
Err(_) => { Err(_) => {
msg.channel_id msg.channel_id
.say(&ctx, "PUBLOAD requires a numerical ID.") .say(&ctx, "Error: PUBLOAD requires a numerical ID.")
.await .await
.unwrap(); .unwrap();
} }
...@@ -158,16 +148,16 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -158,16 +148,16 @@ impl Handler {
Some(x) => { Some(x) => {
if x.is_empty() { if x.is_empty() {
let _ = let _ =
get_user_programs!(&self, &; get_user_programs!(self, &;
return; return;
} }
get_user_programs!(&self, & get_user_programs!(self, &
.code .code
.insert(num, x.to_owned()); .insert(num, x.to_owned());
} }
None => { None => {
let _ = get_user_programs!(&self, &; let _ = get_user_programs!(self, &;
} }
} }
} }
...@@ -176,28 +166,24 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -176,28 +166,24 @@ impl Handler {
} }
if line == "!START" { if line == "!START" {
self.interpreter_start(msg); self.interpreter_start(msg).await;
} }
} }
fn interpreter_stop(&self, msg: &Message) { async fn interpreter_stop(&self, msg: &Message) {
self.programs self.programs.lock().await.remove(&;
} }
fn interpreter_start(&self, msg: &Message) { async fn interpreter_start(&self, msg: &Message) {
self.programs self.programs
.lock() .lock()
.unwrap() .await
.insert(, Program::new()); .insert(, Program::new());
} }
async fn list_saved_programs(&self, msg: &Message, ctx: &Context) -> Option<()> { async fn list_saved_programs(&self, msg: &Message, ctx: &Context) -> Option<()> {
let program_names = let program_names =
Program::list_programs_by_user(self.conn.lock().ok()?.borrow(),; Program::list_programs_by_user(self.conn.lock().await.deref_mut(),;
msg.channel_id msg.channel_id
.say( .say(
&ctx, &ctx,
...@@ -215,7 +201,7 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -215,7 +201,7 @@ impl Handler {
async fn list_published_programs(&self, msg: &Message, ctx: &Context) -> Option<()> { async fn list_published_programs(&self, msg: &Message, ctx: &Context) -> Option<()> {
let program_names: Vec<String> = let program_names: Vec<String> =
Program::list_published_programs(self.conn.lock().ok()?.borrow())? Program::list_published_programs(self.conn.lock().await.deref_mut())?
.iter() .iter()
.map(|row| format!("{}\t{}", row.0, row.1)) .map(|row| format!("{}\t{}", row.0, row.1))
.collect(); .collect();
...@@ -235,10 +221,15 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -235,10 +221,15 @@ impl Handler {
} }
async fn publish_program(&self, name: &str, msg: &Message, ctx: &Context) -> Option<()> { async fn publish_program(&self, name: &str, msg: &Message, ctx: &Context) -> Option<()> {
Program::set_program_published(self.conn.lock().ok()?.borrow(), name,, true)?; Program::set_program_published(
msg.channel_id msg.channel_id
.say(&ctx, format!("Published {}.", name)) .say(&ctx, format!("Published {name}."))
.await .await
.unwrap(); .unwrap();
...@@ -247,14 +238,14 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -247,14 +238,14 @@ impl Handler {
async fn unpublish_program(&self, name: &str, msg: &Message, ctx: &Context) -> Option<()> { async fn unpublish_program(&self, name: &str, msg: &Message, ctx: &Context) -> Option<()> {
Program::set_program_published( Program::set_program_published(
self.conn.lock().ok()?.borrow(), self.conn.lock().await.deref_mut(),
name, name,,,
false, false,
)?; )?;
msg.channel_id msg.channel_id
.say(&ctx, format!("Unpublished {}.", name)) .say(&ctx, format!("Unpublished {name}."))
.await .await
.unwrap(); .unwrap();
...@@ -262,11 +253,11 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -262,11 +253,11 @@ impl Handler {
} }
async fn load_published_program(&self, msg: &Message, ctx: &Context, id: i32) -> Option<()> { async fn load_published_program(&self, msg: &Message, ctx: &Context, id: i32) -> Option<()> {
let name = get_user_programs!(&self, & let name = get_user_programs!(self, &
.load_published_program(&self.conn.lock().ok()?.borrow(), id)?; .load_published_program(self.conn.lock().await.deref_mut(), id)?;
msg.channel_id msg.channel_id
.say(&ctx, format!("Loaded {} (\"{}\") into memory.", id, name)) .say(&ctx, format!("Loaded {id} (\"{name}\") into memory."))
.await .await
.unwrap(); .unwrap();
...@@ -279,7 +270,7 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -279,7 +270,7 @@ impl Handler {
&ctx, &ctx,
format!( format!(
"```\n{}\n```", "```\n{}\n```",
self.programs.lock().unwrap()[&].stringy_line_nums() self.programs.lock().await[&].stringy_line_nums()
), ),
) )
.await .await
...@@ -287,15 +278,15 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -287,15 +278,15 @@ impl Handler {
} }
async fn interpreter_load(&self, name: &str, msg: &Message, ctx: &Context) { async fn interpreter_load(&self, name: &str, msg: &Message, ctx: &Context) {
let result = get_user_programs!(&self, & let result = get_user_programs!(self, &
&self.conn.lock().unwrap(), self.conn.lock().await.deref_mut(),,,
name, name,
); );
match result { match result {
Some(_) => { Some(_) => {
msg.channel_id msg.channel_id
.say(&ctx, format!("Loaded {} into memory.", name)) .say(&ctx, format!("Loaded {name} into memory."))
.await .await
.unwrap(); .unwrap();
} }
...@@ -309,15 +300,15 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -309,15 +300,15 @@ impl Handler {
} }
async fn interpreter_save(&self, name: &str, msg: &Message, ctx: &Context) { async fn interpreter_save(&self, name: &str, msg: &Message, ctx: &Context) {
let result = get_user_programs!(&self, & let result = get_user_programs!(self, &
&self.conn.lock().unwrap(), self.conn.lock().await.deref_mut(),,,
name, name,
); );
match result { match result {
Some(_) => { Some(_) => {
msg.channel_id msg.channel_id
.say(&ctx, format!("Saved as {}", name)) .say(&ctx, format!("Saved as {name}"))
.await .await
.unwrap(); .unwrap();
} }
...@@ -336,7 +327,7 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -336,7 +327,7 @@ impl Handler {
Err(_) => None, Err(_) => None,
}; };
let code = self.programs.lock().unwrap()[&].stringify(); let code = self.programs.lock().await[&].stringify();
let io = DiscordIO::new(); let io = DiscordIO::new();
let (output, fb, errors) = task::spawn_blocking(move || { let (output, fb, errors) = task::spawn_blocking(move || {
...@@ -360,11 +351,8 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -360,11 +351,8 @@ impl Handler {
let green = args[3].clone().into_decimal() as u8; let green = args[3].clone().into_decimal() as u8;
let blue = args[4].clone().into_decimal() as u8; let blue = args[4].clone().into_decimal() as u8;
match &mut io.frame { if let Some(fb) = &mut io.frame {
Some(fb) => { fb.set_pixel(x, y, red, green, blue, 255);
fb.set_pixel(x, y, red, green, blue, 255);
None => {}
} }
ExprValue::Decimal(0.0) ExprValue::Decimal(0.0)
...@@ -373,7 +361,7 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -373,7 +361,7 @@ impl Handler {
let mut xb =; let mut xb =;
let _ =!("{}\n", code)); let _ =!("{code}\n"));
let errors = if xb.error_handler.had_errors || xb.error_handler.had_runtime_error { let errors = if xb.error_handler.had_errors || xb.error_handler.had_runtime_error {
Some(xb.error_handler.errors.join("\n")) Some(xb.error_handler.errors.join("\n"))
...@@ -422,32 +410,8 @@ impl Handler { ...@@ -422,32 +410,8 @@ impl Handler {
} }
#[async_trait] #[async_trait]
impl EventHandler for Handler { impl LineHandler for XbasicHandler {
async fn message(&self, ctx: Context, msg: Message) { async fn line(&self, ctx: &Context, msg: &Message, line: &str) {
for (key, value) in EMOJI_MAP.entries() { self.interpret_line(msg, ctx, line).await;
let msg_lower = format!(" {} ", msg.content.to_lowercase());
if msg_lower.contains(&format!(" {} ", key))
|| msg_lower.contains(&format!(" {}s ", key))
let reaction_type = match ReactionType::from_str(value) {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(x) => {
println!("Could not react: {}", x);
if let Err(e) = msg.react(&ctx, reaction_type).await {
println!("Error reacting: {}", e);
for line in msg.content.split('\n') {
self.interpret_line(&msg, &ctx, line).await;
async fn ready(&self, _: Context, ready: Ready) {
println!("{} is connected",;
} }
} }
use serde_json::Value;
pub async fn tell_joke() -> Option<String> {
let joke: Value = reqwest::get("")
match joke["type"].as_str()? {
"single" => Some(joke["joke"].as_str()?.to_owned()),
"twopart" => Some(format!(
_ => None,