@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ This is the firmware for the CATS mobile transceiver. The hardware source is ava
The transceiver is configurable over USB. It shows up as a serial device, and can be configured with your software of choice. I hear Windows people like `putty`. I'm on Linux, so I use `screen`: `screen /dev/ttyACM0 9600`. Note that the configured baud rate is irrelevant as it will be ignored by the driver. It's a virtual serial port, and therefore has no baud rate.
Once connected, press enter a few times and you'll be presented with a `> ` prompt. This prompt is used to enter commands to configure the device. `help` will show the available commands. As a summary, `get` is used to show the current settings. `set` is used to change settings. `save` is used to persist them.
Once connected, press enter a few times and you'll be presented with a `> ` prompt. This prompt is used to enter commands to configure the device. `help` will show the available commands. As a summary, `get` is used to show the current settings. `set` is used to change settings. `save` is used to persist them. To clear a setting, write `save <parameter>` with no extra arguments. For example, clear the comment with `set comment`.
On a fresh board, you'll probably want to configure your callsign and ssid: